How to create the java stand alone project with command prompt using maven

To create a simple java project using maven, you need to open the command prompt and run the archetype: generate command of the mvn tool.

The syntax is given below:

mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=groupid -DartifactId=artifactid -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=booleanValue

Here group id means =package name
Here artifact id menas=project name
DarchetypeArtifactId means =It is an archetype which generates a sample Maven project
DarchetypeVersion means=version of your project
Interactive mode means = If the flag value is false(the project is created in batch mode, batch-mode will automatically use default values instead of asking you via prompt for those values). when -DinteractiveMode=true, then project is created in interactive mode.

Steps to create the sample stand-alone project with maven.

Step1: After successful installation maven opens the command prompt.
Step2: Type the below command
mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.quickdevops -DartifactId=sample -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DarchetypeVersion=1.4 -DinteractiveMode=false

It will generate the project directory structure with 3 files  those are:
  • Pom.xml
Here is my pom.xml file
<project xmlns=""   
Here is my 
 package com.quickdevops;  
     * Hello world! 
    public class App   
        public static void main( String[] args )  
            System.out.println( "Hello World!" );  
Here is my
package com.quickdevops;  
    import junit.framework.Test;  
    import junit.framework.TestCase;  
    import junit.framework.TestSuite;  
     * Unit test for simple App. 
    public class AppTest   
        extends TestCase  
         * Create the test case 
         * @param testName name of the test case 
        public AppTest( String testName )  
            super( testName );  
         * @return the suite of tests being tested 
        public static Test suite()  
            return new TestSuite( AppTest.class );  
         * Rigourous Test :-) 
        public void testApp()  
            assertTrue( true );  

To run the application following the commands

  • For Cleaning the project: mvn clean
  • For compiling the project: mvn compile
  • For packaging the project: mvn package, mvn install (it will generate the jar file).
  • To run the project (Go to target and folder open the command prompt type the following command: java -jar filename.) 


I’m the Founder of I am a Professional Blogger, Application developer, YouTuber. I’ve been blogging since 2015.I spend a lot of time learning new techniques and actively help other people learn web development through a variety of help groups and writing web development tutorials for my website and blog about advancements in web design and development.Besides programming I love spending time with friends and family and can often be found together going out catching the latest movie or planning a trip to someplace I've never been before.

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